Travel Mistakes to Avoid for the Best Vacation Ever

Whether it is your first adventure abroad or already your 50th, you’d definitely want to avoid these common travel mistakes to guarantee optimum fun and relaxation. Keep in mind these tips to help avoid falling victim to any of these boo-boos.

1. Assuming that your phone is ready for international use
Keep in mind that every company has their own unique policy for international data use, which may include upgrading of your plan for the month of your trip or purchasing of local SIM pack to make calls whenever you are in another country. Before leaving home, make sure to check with your local carrier, so you stay connected with family and friends without returning home to a $1,500 bill!

2. Forgetting to inform your bank about the trip
There is nothing scarier than being locked out of your personal bank account when you are outside Singapore with no enough cash on hand. Days before your trip, give your bank a heads up that you will be going to this specific location for a certain amount of time. Many credit card companies and local banks here in Singapore lets you do this online by sending them a travel notification. This is definitely a step you will be glad you remembered.

3. Packing your medications in your luggage
Especially during long-haul flights, we get separated from our luggage for extended hours. Pro travel advice: if you are travelling with special medications, make sure that these items are always available in your carry-on bag. In the event you get stranded or your luggage was loaded in the wrong plane, you can breathe a bit easier knowing that you are able to keep your health on check.

4. Failing to exchange currency
You’d want to pick up some local currency the moment you step into a country. In most countries, public transportation, cabs, small eateries and local markets only accept cash, so exchanging local currency before leaving the airport is always a must.

5. Taking the signs for granted
This one seems like a no-brainer, but many tend to forget this when they get all too giddy to explore the new place. For example, if your vacation calls for a day at the beach, that cute bikini you just bought may be optional. But be sure to look for signs as some beaches may be nude beaches, and the signage is not always obvious. For many tourists, it is awkward being the only person in bikini in a nudist beach, as well as being the only nude person at a clothed beach. SO, do yourself a little favor and read the signs.

If you’re guilty to any of these mistakes during your previous trips, then you should know better by know. For the first timers, heed these advices for the best vacation ever!

5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Herpes

Herpes virus has long been hidden in the mystery of fear. Whether they are genital herpes or just cold sores, just the idea of it can send people running to the opposite direction. Unfortunately, while it is important to take precautionary measures to keep ourselves safe from the virus, there are a lot of misconceptions about it.

Here are some of the most important facts about herpes virus you ought to know before jumping to conclusion.

1. Pretty much majority of people have it
According to researches, one in every six people have genital herpes. Moreover, the World Health Organization has conducted a study that concludes 67% of people all over the world have HSV-1 strain of herpes virus, which refers to both oral and genital infections.

2. But a large number of them do not have any idea
In many cases, if not most, people with herpes do not know they have it, because the infection may not show symptoms. Psychotherapists even encountered many cases of couples breaking apart because the other one thought that their partner cheated on them and have gotten them herpes. But the reality is that, in many cases, infected individuals do not know that they have the virus.

3. It’s possible not to have any symptom
As mentioned, some cases of herpes infection don’t show symptoms. This is especially true to people with strong immune system. In reality, our body’s immune system has the ability to fight foreign elements like virus. However, the virus may awaken and show symptoms if you have:
• Fever
• Just gotten a surgery
• Any illness that weakens your immune system
• Too much stress
When symptoms are triggered, you may experience painful outbreaks.

4. You can pass it on even without outbreak
Not having an outbreak does not mean you are clear of the virus; it can remain dormant in the body. And since the virus never leaves the body, it can spread through sexual encounter—not through blood or saliva. Unfortunately, some people accidentally pass the virus on their partner, but this doesn’t mean that it’s the end of your dating life. You can still leave a healthy and fulfilling life by taking the following by heart:

• be fully informed of the virus
• be honest with your partner
• finding a trusting partner
• practicing safe sex and using condom all the time
• keeping your body healthy.

5. It’s really not that bad
It’s just all in the mind. Whether it’s genital herpes or cold sores, all symptoms are manageable. While there is no cure (yet), outbreaks can be managed and greatly reduced. You can even go for years without symptoms at all.
Before you run out to your health clinic, remember: there’s no need to panic. The rise of anti-herpes virus medication over the last decades means that this virus can be managed effectively. It is just the stigma that’s making it severe than the virus itself.

5 Tips for Beginners in Music Production

Singapore is definitely at a level that does not lose out in Southeast Asia in terms of music production. There may be many who want to try and delve into the side of music, but there are many things to remember and here are only some of them.

1. Play an instrument
Learning to produce music is very similar to learning your first instrument. It takes time and dedication to have a certain mastery in both aspects. With that, knowing how to play an instrument is a key factor in music production. The piano/keyboard is an indispensable element as it provides the melody of a song. Singapore-renowned music producer and senior music arranger, Ricky Ho, has been playing the piano since he was 5. Singaporean-born DJ, Kygo, has also learned the piano since he was 6.

2. Learn the technology
Music production also not only requires knowledge in instruments, it also employs the use of soundboards or programs for sound-processing. If you don’t have much knowledge in sound-processing, FL Studio and Ableton Live are good DAWs (Digital Audio Workstation) to start with. Always remember though, a producer who does not know what he is doing can never produce good sound, even with the best equipment. Learn and master the ins and outs of your tech and apply this knowledge as you grow.

3. Get involved with other producers
You learn many valuable things by talking to others who already know more than you. This is another great way to learn in the production scene. Reading through books can be useful as a foundation, but actually seeing how experienced producers work can give you a picture of how its done first hand. It doesn’t really have to be someone famous as well, you might have a classmate or co-worker whose already dabbled into the world of music production that you can learn from.

4. Close your eyes
Once you’ve started to get the hang of music producing, things will come naturally. But, one thing we sometimes overlook is actually listening to the sound well. DAWs require you to actually look and see the screen to arrange the music. This leads us to highlight the visual aspect in producing music. Even so, when hunting for good sound, our top priority should be our sense of hearing. So close your eyes and trust your ears, if it sounds good its probably because it IS good.

5. Don’t sit and wait for inspiration. It comes naturally
While producing music there are many instances where you might feel stuck and think that you’re not making any progress. This is fairly common and natural, somehow the remedy for this is also pretty simple. Sometimes you just have to focus on your craft daily and ideas will flow naturally. Make random beats without even caring to put it in a song. It might help you discover new things and rekindle your inspiration.

6 Tips to Help with Memorization

Memorizing involves taking information and committing it to memory. In school and in many other aspects of life, memorization is important. But, many of us are just not cut out for it. So here are just some tips to help you remember things easily.

1. Write and Rewrite everything
Writing and rewriting the information again and again allows you to familiarize the words and understand what you are trying to memorize. After writing them down, try to say the words out loud. While doing this, don’t forget that you should think about what you’re saying and are not just blurting words out.

2. Record
When you are trying to memorize a speech, record yourself reading it. Then, listen to the recording continuously. Although this can be something most beneficial for auditory learners, it is still a very good method to use especially if you combine it with the first tip of writing and rewriting. Some even say that listening to a recording while sleeping can help you remember the piece better.

3. Choose a good place
When looking for a place to memorize, try to emulate the scenario when you need to use the information you’ve memorized. When taking an exam in a classroom, it should be very quiet. When you are trying to memorize some things for this exam, try to do it in a place where you can capture that classroom environment. Doing this prompts the subconscious to help, making memorization easier.

4. Use your senses
This one is directly connected to the third tip. When you are memorizing something, try to use a your sense of smell and apply perfume. For example, if you’re memorizing a speech wear a certain scent. When the time comes that you present that speech, wear and have a whiff of the same scent while you were still practicing.

5. Use repetition
Continuous repetition is probably one of the most important ways to learn and remember things. You could connect this idea to why athletes do drills repeatedly and that it’s simply because it enhances muscle memory. Repetition over a long period helps our brain to gain new information, get used to it, and retrieve that information by the time we need to use it.

6. Build a “memory palace”
The idea of building a memory palace involves associating what you memorize with a certain place. For example, you want to memorize the first ten digits of pi which is 3.1415926535. Imagine you’re walking around your house, or any place really. Associate the digits with certain things found around your memory palace. You’re outside the house and you see a tree- associate with number three. As you walk, you notice there’s a stick- number one, on the ground. When you get inside the house, you see the wall clock and it reads four o’clock. So on and so forth.

4 Solo Hobbies You Can Indulge on Your Own in Singapore

Being a homebody or enjoying things by yourself has always baffled the rest of society, but i still gives a sense of fulfillment and calm for people who want to take a break from the stresses of daily life (or if they happen to find themselves a little tired from all that socializing).

Spending some alone time allows you to unwind and reflect on your thoughts, enjoy your own company, or even stumble into a new experience entirely. Here are a few solo hobbies you can start with:

1. Go on a bookstore binge.

Going to bookstores alone is perhaps the best way to enjoy your alone time. Not only do you get to look for an eye-catching cover in relative peace and quiet, but also lets you spend as much time as you want poring over the pages of a new book and getting lost in it.

From there, you can head over to the nearest café and while the afternoon away with a good book and a cup of coffee.

2. Watch a movie.

This may not be a uniquely Singaporean activity, but going to a theater and watching a movie doesn’t have to be limited to groups of two or more. Seeing a new movie by yourself is perfectly fine and is a lot faster than having to wait for other people.

It’s okay if you don’t have a person to talk to after having seen the movie over dinner. If you’re faint-hearted, seeing a horror movie alone will definitely be a cathartic experience.

3. Take a trip to the museum.

Taking a stroll over to the National Museum of Singapore (or any other museum in Singapore) is almost basically free of charge, and it’s the perfect activity that lets you stroke your chin in deep thought while staring at things like an old design for a container manufactured in the 1950’s. 

You can even go museum-hopping for the whole day and visit different exhibits that you might find interesting. Granted, this might require more work to walk to a museum than simply watching a documentary from the comfort of your own home.

4. Bike/walk on a natural trail/take a different route home.

Singapore may not be known for its sprawling parks the same way that other countries are, but there are still a good number of parks and trails that you can walk or bike around. Go cycling long enough and you’ll get through most of the country by bike.

Walking can also be just as healthy for you and lets you appreciate nature more closely.

5 Easy but Effective Steps to Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer

Everyone has a phone – it’s an indispensable tool that allows you to communicate with other people, surf the internet for information on need-to-know information, and so much more. You could even say that your phone is an important part of you, and seeing that part suddenly run out of power could leave you with a lot of emotions.

However, even though the cellphone you just bought has a longer battery life, it still only has a limited amount of power before the next charge. To extend your phone’s battery life for as long as possible, here are a few steps you can take:

1. Reduce your screen brightness.

Your screen brightness is one of the biggest culprits that take up your battery life. While it does help you to see things in your screen more clearly, it unfortunately drains your phone faster and puts more strain on your eyes, especially when you use it before going to bed at night.

Reducing your screen timeout to the shortest amount of time possible can also help.

2. Switch on Wi-Fi instead of 4G.

While getting stuck at a particular location to use the Wi-Fi isn’t as convenient as using 4G for your purposes, the latter actually forces your phone to send out signals more instead of just receiving them.  

The same goes for your cellular data on your phone, and other features that you’re currently using, whether it’s Bluetooth, screen rotation, or location services and GPS. Setting your phone to vibrate can also use up additional battery power – use a ringtone set on the lowest volume instead.

Certain apps are also particularly heavy on a phone’s battery life. While multitasking is an extremely useful feature for your phone, switching off background apps you’re not using will make your phone last longer.

3. Power down.

This may not always be an option for people who are constantly on the go and need their phone for a good part of their working life. However, if you’re not expecting to do anything with your phone, switching it off can preserve its battery life.

Switching your phone off also helps to keep you from using it needlessly, and will keep you from being distracted when you do need to focus on a task.

4. Avoid phone drain.

Unlike other types of rechargeable batteries (i.e. nickel-based AA batteries), Lithium-based batteries are supposed to be charged frequently. While letting the batteries cool down when you’re not using them helps to prolong them, letting the battery drain to zero percent can actually damage the battery.

When it comes to lithium-ion batteries, shallow, regular, and frequent charges can actually prolong them instead of the opposite.

Find Out What’s Causing the Pest Infestation in Your Home Today!

Pest infestations can feel like a punishment even for the most diligent homeowner, but even when you’re keeping a watchful eye, there are simply times that you just encounter a pest infestation at home.

Before you decide to call a pest control management company for that much-needed pest removal for your home, you might have to look at what in your home makes it so inviting to these uninvited guests.

Here are some of the problems you might have that can attract a potential pest problem in your home:

Pests are surprisingly shy. Even when they’ve settled into your home, they need to look for other places to hide. For small pets, and especially for those that usually come out at night, there’s no better cover than clutter.

The good news is that calling a pest control services, or even drastic measures such as using pest control chemicals, isn’t always necessary when you take the right measures. You can minimize instances of pest infestations with regular cleaning and dusting.

Faulty drainage systems
Drain spaces that are clogged or faulty can provide pests, such as rats and cockroaches, with an easy way into your bathroom, toilet, or kitchen sink.

When you need permanent solution for control measures to kill rats and cockroaches at your home here in Singapore, the first step of your pest control method should be ensuring that your home’s drainage system is working properly. After which, call an exterminator to help you get rid of the infestation safely and efficiently.

Dark, moist, quiet spaces is especially attractive to pests looking for a place to live, and is the first place pest control services would usually check.

Keeping your home dry and clean is one effective way to get rid of cockroaches. In the case of a bed bug infestation, this is cleaning out your mattress and pillows, as well as regularly bathing any pets you may have at home.

Once you do have some uninvited guests in your home, it can be pretty difficult to make them leave. These are the biggest effects pests can have:

They can harm you

Bees can sting—and even poison—you. Well, not only you but also your family and anyone in your home. Stop bees from flying in by calling a professional pest exterminator from Singapore. These experts know how to remove bee hive safely out of your premise, so you won’t have to worry about getting stung again.

You might just see a lot of flying insects circling your light bulb one month, while on another, you might have to end up calling a pest control worker to remove termites.

They can affect your health
Pests, are notorious for being a health hazard to anyone because of their droppings.

In fact, the reason why you need to exterminate rodents when you see them at home is because they can leave harmful bacteria simply by walking over anything in your home, especially your pantry.

This is where calling for a professional pest control company is your safest alternative.

Not only do they know the proper methods and have the proper equipment to terminate pest issues in your home in Singapore, but they also know how to use chemical pesticides safely and in the proper amounts.

Many professional companies also offer a 24 hours pest removal service, so you can call them any time when you need it the most.

If you’re facing an infestation in your home that you can’t handle yourself, be sure to call a professional pest control management service to get that guaranteed pest control for your home today.

Get to Know the Different Types of Fat in Your Diet

As much as you’d like to think that fat is “bad” for you, it’s a vital nutrient that your body needs in the right amount.

Aside from being an energy source and a component in cell growth, your body also needs fat to stay warm, absorb certain nutrients (vitamins such as A, D, E, and K don’t dissolve in water, but dissolve in fat), and even produce hormones.

Knowing the different kinds of fats and what they do to your body can help you make better decisions on what foods to buy and how much you should include in your diet.

The Different Types of Fat
The reason why there are different types of fat is because of how they are structured at a molecular level.
Because each molecule is a combination of hydrogen and carbon, the different ratios of hydrogen atoms to carbon atoms are ultimately what determine the structure of the fat molecule, and what it can do to the body.

There are three types of fat that you need to know about:

• Saturated fat – Red meat and dairy products often contain saturated fats, a type of fat that stays solid and sticky in room temperature because of their high hydrogen-to-carbon ration.
Because of this, they’re more likely to stick to arteries over time, which can make you more prone to heart disease.

• Unsaturated fat – At room temperature, unsaturated fats are in a liquid state and can often be found in oils (olive oil, sunflower oil, etc.), plants (avocado, soybeans, etc.), and even seafood.
You might be familiar with some of these unsaturated fats that can lower LDL cholesterol count and the risk of heart disease, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that are found in fish and seafood.

• Trans-fat – Trans-fats serve as a flavor component in food to make it taste better, but their added hydrogen means that they could contribute to all kinds of heart diseases when consumed in excess.
Trans-fats are found in a lot of processed foods, especially in junk food, such as chips, but they can also be found in pastries and different baked goods.

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle and diet, there’s no need to cut out fat from your diet – when consumed in the right amounts, they can greatly improve your health and make your eating experience that much more fulfilling.

The trick is identifying the healthy fats in your diet, and cutting down on the unhealthy fats if not avoiding them entirely.

At the end of the day, it’s the small decisions that you make in changing your lifestyle that will really have an impact on your overall well-being.