More About International Baccalaureate
Are you familiar with International Baccalaureate? This is an educational foundation which is based in Geneva, Switzerland. The International Baccalaureate was established in 1968. It was formerly known as the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). You should know that IB presents 4 educational programmes for pupils or students aged 3 to 19 years old.
To date, IB is now offered in more than 3,400 schools around the world. IB is famed because of its high standards when it comes to critical thinking and creativity amongst its students. IB schools are different because students here are responsible for their own learning. That means that they will choose their topics and devise their projects. Teachers will serve as their mentors and supervisors.
Apart from choosing the topics and devising projects, students are also encouraged to learn from their classmates or peers. IB believes that critiquing each other’s work will push the students into excellence. IB also inspires students to express their feelings by means of writing and community service. In general, IB seeks to create a more peaceful and better world by educating their students.
You have heard about the IB exam results. IB conducts annual exams. Here in Singapore, Anglo-Chinese School received the exam results on January 6, 2014. The results revealed that out of 457 students who endured the exams, 32 got the perfect score (45 points). 371 of the 457 students got 40+ points. The average score of the school was 81.2%.
At the end of the programme, students will be given certificates or diploma. Other countries with schools teaching IB programmes include United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom of Great Britain, Australia, India, Mexico, China, Spain, Germany, Ecuador, Argentina, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Sweden and many more.