Types of Blogs You Can Follow
The blogosphere is now a powerful force in the World Wide Web. What used to be an online venue for self-expression and sharing opinions has now transformed into a place where people can know the latest and hottest – from fashion, products to world events. Here’s a round-up of the types of blogs to be followed by an enthusiastic blog reader.
Foodie blogs
Read local food blogs that writes honest reviews about the restaurants and diners in the city, as this can help on your next date or your upcoming family reunion. Many food blogs also focus on sharing step-by-step recipes of delicious dishes, which can unleash the inner chef in you.
Fashion and beauty blogs
Fashion and beauty blogs are more reachable and relatable, featuring real people showcasing their fashionable best on ordinary days. These blogs also give tips on where to find the best local and online stores for clothes, shoes and beauty products. Many fashion and beauty blogs also organize give-away contests and share coupon discount codes to readers – a treat that you don’t want to miss.
P.S. – There are fashion blogs for men too.
Personality blogs
These are the blogs of journalists, writers and other well-respected career individuals. Blogging is an alternative medium of expression for these people, letting them write things in a deeper and more insightful manner. One can be entertained with their wit, and develop better perspectives on important issues at the same time.
Travel Blogs
Travel blogs are fun to follow for you get to know the sites and scenes of different parts of the world without spending money. Travel blogs also offer Travel 101 lists, places to go and customs of the chosen place of travel – inspiring you to save up money for your next trip for you and your loved ones.